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Madden + Quiñonez Advocacy
The policy areas we work in are as varied as our clients, yet we work hard to achieve a detailed understanding of the nuances behind every policy position. While our focus is on policies related to healthcare, scope of practice, the environment and consumer products, that's only the beginning.
Below is a sample of the policy areas and regulatory agencies we frequently work in:
Physician Reimbursement
Scope of Practice
Physician Advertising
Workers' Compensation
Healthcare Coverage Mandates
Healthcare District Law
Physician self-referral
Surgery Center Accreditation
California Department of Health Care Services
California Department of Public Health
California Department of Managed Health Care
California Department of Insurance
California Department of Consumer Affairs
Medical Board of California
Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development
Division of Workers' Compensation
Air Quality
Chemical Management
Household and Retail Hazardous Waste
Ingredient Transparency
Proposition 65
Product Packaging
Source Reduction
Safer Consumer Products Program
Water Quality & Conservation
California Environmental Protection Agency
California Air Resources Board
Cal Recycle
Department of Food and Agriculture
Department of Pesticide Regulation
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
State Water Resources Control Board
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